BCDR International Arbitration ReviewJuly 2017 - Volume 4 - Issue 1 Construction Arbitration in the Middle East Note from the General Editor 1 Articles The Unique World of Construction Arbitration: A Middle East Perspective Richard Harding QC 3 The Use of Experts in Construction Arbitration in the Middle East Thomas R. Snider & Laura Adams 11 Pleadings or Memorials: Which Are More Appropriate for Construction Arbitrations? Michael Grose & Kristian Cywicki 43 Construction Arbitration and Standard Forms of Contract in the Middle East: National Culture and Its Impact on Perception and Practice Aisha Nadar 53 Specialist Techniques for Construction Dispute Resolution: How Many Ways Can the Cat Be Skinned? Michael Patchett-Joyce 73 Liquidated Damages for Delay in the Middle East: Not Etched in Stone Joseph Chedrawe 99 Winning Construction Arbitration in the Gulf: Some Strategic Considerations Adrian Cole 113 Legal Rules Commonly Applied to Contract Breaches in Construction Arbitrations in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates Ahmed Fathi Waly 135 The Law on Global Claims: An Area Ripe for Development in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates Erin Miller Rankin & Bryan Dayton 153 Tackling Global Construction Claims in the Middle East Aarta Alkarimi & Victor P. Leginsky 171 Disclosure of Documents in Construction and Engineering Arbitrations: Theory, Practice and Strategy Richard Davies 175 Resolving Construction Disputes in Times of Crisis: The Theory of Exceptional Circumstances Ziad Obeid 195 Variations and the Resolution of Disputes under the FIDIC Red Books Samantha Kesley, Christopher Edwards & Philip Punwar 207 The Confluence of Civil and Common Law (and the Influence of the Shari'a) in Middle East Construction Arbitrations Tim Taylor QC 217