Application for Third Tribunal Member

Tribunals in cases falling within the jurisdiction of the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (BCDR) under section one of chapter II of Legislative Decree No. 30 of 2009 ("Section One cases") are composed of three members: two judicial branch judges and one non-judicial-branch Tribunal member.

The non-judicial-branch Tribunal member is chosen from a roster ("Roster") maintained by BCDR. Resolution 134 of 2021 of the Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Waqf established a committee to select Roster members, and the committee will accept applications for selection to the Roster from applicants practicing in the following areas:

Areas of Practice:

  1. commercial disputes (including telecommunication disputes);
  2. conventional banking, finance, investment and insurance disputes;
  3. Islamic banking and finance disputes; and
  4. construction and real estate disputes.

Individuals practicing in these areas and meeting the further criteria below, who wish to submit an application for inclusion in the Roster should send their application electronically to the selection committee by DD MM YYYY. To be considered by the committee, the application should be submitted through the link on this page and be accompanied by all the required documents listed below.

Criteria for consideration:

  1. Full legal capacity, commendable experience, good reputation, and professionally well respected. The applicant must have no criminal convictions or have been subjected to a final disciplinary or judicial action resulting in dismissal or removal from office, or disqualification from practice.
  2. At least a first degree in law from an accredited university, or the equivalent of a bachelor's degree or a professional certification qualifying the applicant to work in the area of practice for which he or she would like to be considered.
  3. At least 15 years' experience in the area of practice, though the selection committee reserves the right to consider applicants with as little as 10 years of experience in the area of practice if it deems it appropriate for academic or professional considerations.
  4. Fluent in Arabic or English, or in both.
  5. If the applicant is a lawyer, the applicant must not be acting as counsel in any Section One case pending before BCDR. The selection committee reserves the right immediately to remove an individual from the Roster if that individual acts as counsel in a Section One case.


Documents required:

  1. a copy of Identification Card/Passport;
  2. a copy of relevant academic and professional certificates;
  3. a personal résumé (in Arabic or English);
  4. a copy of the professional license(s) (if applicable) entitling the applicant to practice in the applicant's area(s) of practice ;
  5. contact details for two references; and
  6. any other documents the applicant deems supportive of his or her application.

The selection committee may make enquiries from third parties as to the professional and academic qualifications of the applicant, and, by submitting an application, the applicant is deemed to have given permission for such enquiries.

For questions or assistance with this application, please contact us on [email protected]