Liber Amicorum Samir Saleh: Reflections on Dispute Resolution with Particular Emphasis on the Arab World is a new book prepared by the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (BCDR) as a tribute to Samir Saleh, a leading Arab specialist in international commercial arbitration, who in 1982 was appointed as the first-ever Vice-Chairman of the ICC International Court of Arbitration from the Arab region.
Published by Kluwer Law International in BCDR's series honoring Arab jurists who have distinguished themselves through their contribution to the practice and study of international law and arbitration in the Arab world, this anthology of nineteen articles in English and French focuses on law and dispute resolution in areas in which Samir Saleh arguably distinguished himself most - international arbitration and commercial law, in particular in relation to the Arab world. The book's table of contents can be viewed here.
In his Foreword, the book's editor, Professor Nassib G. Ziadé, describes the atypical and nonconformist path followed by Samir Saleh. Despite being born in Lebanon into an upper-class family and educated at an elite school run by French Jesuits, Samir Saleh broke with the French-speaking tradition of his time. Instead of pursuing postgraduate studies in Paris, Lyon, or Montpellier, he opted for Canada, where he obtained an LLM in international law at McGill University. On returning to his homeland, he shunned the frivolities of Lebanese society, oblivious to the early signs of impending war. Samir Saleh devoted himself instead to advising financial corporations and foreign banks and began a ten-year association with the Lebanese University, where he taught air law. In the 1970s, he served as legal advisor to the Sultan of Oman, deepening his understanding of the Middle Eastern and Islamic legal culture. After the outbreak of war in Lebanon, he moved to London, where he established a practice as an expert in Middle Eastern and Islamic law and taught Middle Eastern arbitration law at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies. Through his many writings, Samir Saleh has inspired discussion on international commercial arbitration in the Middle East and made a significant contribution to the study of Middle Eastern commercial law. Professor Ziadé also celebrates Samir Saleh's human qualities, noting in particular his passion for art, books, and music.
The book was produced with editorial assistance from Fady Béchara, Virginia Hamilton, and Yousif Al Saif and is available directly from Wolters Kluwer and major bookstores worldwide.