The BCDR International Arbitration Review (the Review) is a scholarly international law journal that seeks to further an important component of BCDR's mandate by disseminating knowledge on, and increasing understanding of, the law and procedure of international dispute settlement.
Published biannually and featuring content in both Arabic and English, the Review comprises articles, case summaries and other significant reports; each issue focusing on a topic of universal interest in international arbitration, with an emphasis on relevance to the Arab Region.
The Review provides the Arab and non-Arab legal and academic communities with a perspective on developments in the field of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution in the region. It also provides a forum for practitioners and academics alike to contribute to the ongoing dialogue around international arbitration in general.
Topics have included the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in the Arab states of the Gulf, women's voices in international arbitration (part 1) (part 2), arbitration in Egypt, investment arbitration in the Middle East, construction arbitration in the Middle East, the BCDR 2017 arbitration rules (part 1) (part 2), oil and gas arbitration in the Middle East, third-party funding in international arbitration, international mediation, conflicts of interest in international arbitration (part 1) (part 2), online dispute resolution (part 1) (part 2), screening of arbitration requests and early dismissal of claims, and sports arbitration.
Issues on "States and International Arbitration" and on "Provisional Measures in International Arbitration" are slated for publication in the future.
Current Issue of the BCDR International Arbitration Review
December 2022 - Volume 9 - Issue 2:
States and International Arbitration
Back Issues of the BCDR International Arbitration Review
June 2022 - Volume 9 - Issue 1:
Sports Arbitration
December 2021 - Volume 8 - Issue 2:
Screening of Arbitration Requests and Early Dismissal of Claims
June 2021 - Volume 8 - Issue 1:
Online Dispute Resolution - Part I
December 2020 - Volume 7 - Issue 2:
Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration - Part II
June 2020 - Volume 7 - Issue 1:
Oil and Gas Arbitration in the Middle East
December 2019 - Volume 6 - Issue 2:
International Mediation
June 2019 - Volume 6 - Issue 1:
Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration - Part I
December 2018 - Volume 5 - Issue 2:
Third-party Funding in International Arbitration
July 2018 - Volume 5 - Issue 1:
BCDR-AAA 2017 Arbitration Rules, Part II
December 2017 - Volume 4 - Issue 2:
BCDR-AAA 2017 Arbitration Rules, Part I
July 2017 - Volume 4 - Issue 1:
Construction Arbitration in the Middle East
December 2016 - Volume 3 - Issue 2:
International Investment Arbitration in the Middle East
September 2016 - Volume 3 - Issue 1:
December 2015 - Volume 2 - Issue 2:
Women's Voices in International Arbitration - Part 2
June 2015 - Volume 2 - Issue 1:
Women's Voices in International Arbitration - Part 1
September 2014 - Volume 1 - Issue 1:
The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Arab States of the Gulf
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2 May 2018
Writing in Rivista dell'Arbitrato, Professor Piero Bernardini describes the BCDR International Arbitration Review as a "reliable source of continuous and comprehensive information regarding the law and practice of international arbitration in the Gulf States."
8 January 2018
If one were to question whether there is a place for the BCDR International Arbitration Review, Constantine Partasides QC, writing in Arbitration International, assures the international arbitration community that it is "providing a rich and emphatic answer from a region of the world that has its own contribution to make to the state of our art" and establishing itself as a "journal of consistently high quality."
29 January 2016
Charles Jarrosson, professor at Paris II University (Panthéon-Assas), informs readers of the Revue de l'arbitrage that the BCDR International Arbitration Review aims "to broaden the knowledge and study of arbitration in this part of the world."